Contact our office right away if an appliance breaks or loosens, even if a scheduled appointment is coming up. Depending on the emergency, we may have the patient come in sooner rather than waiting for the next visit. Call us immediately for any of these situations:
Loose Bracket or Band
A loose metal band, which fits like a ring around the tooth, or a brace that is sliding or wiggling should be fixed sooner than later. Using a small bit of orthodontic wax over a loose bracket will keep patient comfortable until their repair visit.
Loose or Poking Archwire
Sometimes the end of an archwire will poke the inside of the cheek in back of the patient’s mouth; this is easily fixed at our office. A wire that has come out of the tube in back is sometimes fixable at home by slipping the end back into the tube. Otherwise call us to schedule an appointment.
Lost Separator
Separators are placed between teeth a few days prior to starting most treatment to ease placement of appliances. Their purpose is very important to be able to start treatment; call right away if a separator comes out to see if it needs to be replaced.
Mouth Discomfort
Teeth may be tender for a few days when a patient first starts with braces. Discomfort may be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil, best for teeth, or Tylenol. When appliances are rubbing or making the tongue or inside of the mouth sore, orthodontic wax can be placed over the sore area to help ease the discomfort. Salt water rinses, using an 8 oz glass of warm water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it, can help alleviate discomfort and heal irritated tissue.