Why is it important to choose an orthodontic specialist?
Orthodontists are extensively educated in this specialty to learn the techniques and procedures to straighten teeth. Your orthodontist will work with your general dentist and other dental professionals to achieve the best possible outcome for your treatment.
Will the Braces Hurt?
It doesn’t hurt to have braces put on. However, teeth may be tender for a few days afterwards. Discomfort may be eased with pain relievers like Advil (best for teeth) or Tylenol. Generally, after routine adjustment visits, most patients do not feel any discomfort at all.
Can I return to school the day I get my braces?
Yes. There is no reason you cannot return to school the same day.
Are there shots for treatment?
No. Shots and anesthesia are not necessary for orthodontic treatment.
Will I still be able to play sports?
Yes. We recommend the use of a mouth guard for all sports. Use a type that is not boiled in hot water to mold to teeth as this may loosen appliances on removal.
Should I still visit my general dentist?
Definitely! Routine checkups and cleanings with your family dentist are especially important when in braces. Your dentist can guide you on the intervals between your cleanings while in treatment.
Are there any foods I should not eat when I have braces?
Yes. When your treatment begins, we will review a detailed list of foods to avoid to prevent damage to orthodontic appliances. This will include, but is not limited to: bagels, hard candy, ice, raw vegetables and very chewy or sticky foods. Most emergency appointments for repair of broken or damaged braces can be avoided simply by following the given instructions.
How often should I brush my teeth?
You should brush your teeth at least four times in a day – that includes after each meal and before going to bed. We will show you how to brush and floss teeth properly with braces and may also provide a prescription for a special fluoride rinse.
What do I do if something breaks or hurts?
Call our office right away if you have pain or if any part of your orthodontic appliances feels loose or broken. While minor discomfort can be expected occasionally, your braces should not be causing serious mouth pain once you have grown used to them. However, if you require an emergency appointment, we will make time for you.
My child still has baby teeth. Is it too soon to start orthodontic treatment?
We recommend an initial evaluation around age 7. Some orthodontic issues do require early intervention. However, for many patients we can instead monitor growth and dental development until they are ready to start treatment.
What is Phase One or early treatment?
Phase One (or interceptive) orthodontics treats specific problems early to prevent them from becoming more critical as a child grows.Phase One treatment for children between the ages of 7 and 10 can last from 12 to 21 months. Treatment may address crowding, crossbite, or other issues that can be improved before a child is ready for comprehensive treatment. We continue to closely monitor tooth eruption and growth during the period after Phase One is complete. Parents and patients will be informed of the best time to start treatment with full braces.
Is it too late for me to get braces if I am an adult?
Braces can be beneficial at any age. Self-esteem, happiness and health are vitally important for everyone. No patient is “too old” for braces.
Can braces be placed on teeth with crowns and fillings?
A tooth with a crown or filling can be treated like any other tooth during orthodontic treatment.